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Vitamin C in skincare: 9 benefits for your skin

It’s not just about superfoods, vitamin C also makes for super skincare. Find out how anti-aging vitamin C can help your skin.

Vitamin C in skincare: 9 benefits for your skin
Benefits of Vitamin C

Whether it’s popping a vitamin pill or stocking up on vitamin-rich oranges and kiwis, you’re probably used to reaching for the vitamin C when you start to feel below par, or using it to up your energy levels when you’re feeling tired. But did you know that there are also a host of anti-aging and radiance-boosting vitamin C skin benefits? From vitamin C for wrinkles, to vitamin C for a brighter complexion, here’s why you should consider introducing it into your skincare routine.

Anti-aging Vitamin C is an antioxidant

As ascorbic acid, vitamin C can help neutralize the free radicals that accelerate aging, helping fight exposure to pollution and UV rays, and protect against oxidation-induced aging and the skin damage caused by the sun.

Anti-aging Vitamin C protects against the impact of pollution on the skin

Along with the anti-oxidizing properties that can counteract some of the harmful effects of exposure to pollution, vitamin C also helps skin cells protect themselves against ozone and help to repair any damage already caused, especially helpful for city-dwellers who encounter pollution on a daily basis.

Anti-aging Vitamin C reduces inflammation

Working to soothe irritation and calm redness, vitamin C can improve skin condition by inhibiting the skin’s inflammatory response. Acne and rosacea sufferers in particular, take note, as reduced inflammation means less redness and swelling.

Anti-aging Vitamin C guards against UV damage

By protecting the very structure of the skin, vitamin C helps to limit the skin’s reaction to the UV rays that can accelerate aging and cause wrinkles. And it also works to even out sun spots and UV-induced pigmentation problems. Team it with SPF and double down on sunny-weather skincare.

Anti-aging Vitamin C strengthens the barrier function

By boosting the body’s production of ceramides and other lipids vitamin C improves the skin’s barrier function and helps keep moisture levels topped up, for softer, more supple skin that can better withstand the aging process.

Anti-aging Vitamin C enhances radiance

As a natural skin peel, Vitamin C has an exfoliating action, sloughing off the dead skin cells that can create a dull complexion, to produce brighter, more even skin. And it’s especially useful if you have dry skin.

Anti-aging Vitamin C boosts collagen production

Collagen is essential to keeping skin supple, especially as we age. Vitamin C helps to stimulate collagen production in the body, so skin stays soft and plump, improving the appearance of fine lines(1).

Anti-aging Vitamin C improves uneven pigmentation

Thanks to exfoliating and anti-inflammatory actions, vitamin C can prevent and improve the appearance of dark spots caused by UV exposure and the aging process. Importantly, it also inhibits the body’s production of melanin, working to correct existing dark patches for a more even skin tone.

Anti-aging Vitamin C can help acne-prone skin

Exfoliating and hydrating properties make vitamin C a go-to for dry skin, but in higher concentrations it can also help balance the skin’s sebum levels, for those with oily and acne-prone skin. An antibacterial action also helps improve spots.

Vitamin C: a host of skin benefits

From acne-prone teens, to women looking to slow the signs of aging and city dwellers who want to limit the impact of an urban lifestyle and pollution, vitamin C is a powerful active that can work wonders for skin. The next time you’re beauty shopping, consider adding a vitamin C serum or cream to your routine.

1. Vitamin C Technical File, Vichy Laboratories, L’Oréal Worldwide Applied Research and Innovation Department.

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